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Less Fraud, More Trustii

The UCDA is always committed to enhancing the value of membership by identifying and implementing programs and services that provide tangible benefits. Recently, we forged a partnership with Trustii, a company dedicated to combating fraud within the automotive industry.

The UCDA receives numerous calls from members who have been victims of customer fraud, particularly involving vehicle financing. One effective strategy to reduce the likelihood of such fraud is the verification of photo identification.

This is where Trustii’s services come into play. The UCDA is now offering an ID verification service at, in conjunction with our well-known search capabilities, including AutoCheck, History, and Lien searches.

Trustii’s ID verification service offers several advantages:

  • Automated biometric verification, requiring the customer to provide valid photo ID and confirm their identity through a photo of their face
  • The fastest processing times in the market, with the majority of checks completed within 10 minutes
  • Secure and entirely electronic forms to process the id verification
  • Comprehensive national and local databases including gover-nment databases

To initiate an ID verification search, simply log in to the UCDA portal and provide the email address of the individual you wish to verify. The Trustii system will then send an email to the customer, requesting that they capture a photo of their identification and a selfie using their mobile device.

The Trustii system employs artificial intelligence (AI) to compare the photo on the ID to the selfie taken by the customer. AI also verifies the authenticity of the identification, ensuring its non-fraudulent nature. The verification results will be available within minutes of the customer completing the process.

Members are only charged once the verification is successfully completed.


UCDA Members pay $3, non-members pay $3.99.

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