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Happy 40th Birthday UCDA

My oh my, how you have grown! You were just a baby on November 15, 1984, when you were born, but now you are in your prime at 40!

We hope you all enjoyed your 40th Anniversary gift packages from the UCDA!

When the UCDA’s first Executive Director, Bob Beattie, and 7 other used car dealers got together at a restaurant in 1984 to discuss how they could unite the used car industry in the face of proposed changes to rules governing used vehicle sales, they could not have foreseen what their creation would grow to become.

The UCDA became the first non-profit organization in Canada established to represent the needs of dealers who sell used vehicles.

The early years focused on lobbying efforts with government, aimed at raising awareness of the concerns of an industry that was often ignored, or worse, sneered upon. It was for good reason that the Association’s mission statement was, and remains, “To enhance the image of the industry”.

The UCDA grew rapidly. The single most important factor in our early growth was the introduction of phone-in lien searches for Members. It’s hard now to imagine what an innovative break-through this was for dealers, offering them an option other than what was a very cumbersome government phone service at the time.

The early lien search success surpassed everyone’s wildest dreams. The UCDA search services expanded over the years to include other search options to help dealers do their due diligence in an increasingly complex commercial environment. Delivery moved away from phone to fax and finally to online. Some of our Members still use phone and fax, but online searches are vastly more popular now.

This growth led to the UCDA service becoming the largest online vehicle information search portal in Canada:

Member services have always been a priority for the UCDA. The better, and more relevant, the services … the more likely a Member will renew year after year. Retaining Members was a favourite mantra of Bob Beattie, no less important than gaining new ones. In fact, the presence of so many long-term Members is a testament to the wisdom of Bob’s vision.

In the 1990s, used car dealers needed an insurance program and today, Baird MacGregor Insurance Brokers remains the UCDA’s only insurance brokerage. More than 1,600 Members enjoy rate stability and a unique annual claims free rebate.

A few years later, we added our NAPA parts program, which each year provides more than a million dollars in rebates to Members. Throw in an affordable health plan and a credit card merchant discount program and the value of a $230 annual Membership is pretty clear.

The auto industry has changed a lot in the past 40 years.

We have seen industry self-management come … and go … with OMVIC, and completely overhauled regulation with the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act, 2002.The industry has seen mandatory disclosure requirements, mandatory education requirements, and some of the strictest advertising regulations in Canada.

Through it all, the UCDA has played a significant role in the development of Ontario’s auto industry. We’ll be here as the industry undergoes even more significant changes in today’s digital world.

With this in mind, the UCDA is increasing its presence on social media and beginning to address the needs of the EV market, soon to become a bigger factor in the aftermarket than it is at present.

Speaking of social media, if you feel like giving the UCDA a “Birthday Gift”, please consider giving us a review on Google

We would not be where we are today without the strong support of Members … and now there are 5,000 of you!

Congratulations and “Thank You” from all of us at the UCDA, our staff and Board of Directors, to all of our wonderful Members and …


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