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UCDA Form Review

As UCDA Members are well-aware, the UCDA offers a whole suite of transaction forms for dealers to use to take trade-ins, sell used and new vehicles, lease and buy or sell wholesale.

We are proud that our forms are so widely used in the industry and it is safe to say they have become the gold standard for such forms in Ontario.

We have not reviewed or redrafted these forms for quite some time; the last major amendments were back in 2009, in anticipation of the new Motor Vehicle Dealers Act (MVDA), which is not so new any longer!

What prompted this present review was an amendment to the MVDA requiring a significant change to the existing CAMVAP clause. We saw this as a good opportunity to address that and some other housekeeping matters with all our forms and to keep pace with new ways of paying for vehicles, EV and Hybrid, financial and lease disclosure and so on.

We plan to have these new forms available for use in 2025.

Many UCDA Members pay to use these forms in printed format, our pricing for that can be seen here: and please see below.

Increasing numbers of dealers also use these forms electronically, either with in-house software or with the help of third-party Dealer Management Software (DMS). We partner with a DMS provider called Surefire Solutions to offer this service for UCDA Members:

As long as you are a UCDA Member, you can use these forms electronically, free of charge.

The only requirement we place on the DMS is that every year or two they submit to a UCDA audit, where they provide the list of dealers using our forms on their platforms, to ensure that only UCDA Members are using them. Not only does this protect intellectual property and other ownership rights, but it also ensures the considerable investment of our Member’s resources in the design and maintenance of these forms are to the benefit of UCDA Members only.

A DMS that refuses to comply with our audit cannot use our forms. We consider this more than fair as the DMS does not pay the UCDA for the use of these forms, but they do charge Members for their service. We just completed an audit for 2024 and it went smoothly.

Please look for our new and improved forms in 2025.

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